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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

A. Cover Letter

Your Cover Letter should be addressed to the Editors of AES. It must include the title of the manuscript and list the authors in the order desired. The Letter must make a formal written request for consideration for publication by AES.

Please summarize why you feel the work is novel and important, and why the results add to the store of knowledge of the subject at hand. Give an indication of the anticipated audience for the work if it is published, and include the names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail and web addresses of at least four (4) potential reviewers. Both your Cover Letter and your manuscript will be sent for peer-review.

B. Manuscript Preparation and Submission

  1. Papers should be typed double-spaced, with 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins all around. Please use 12 pt Times New Roman font. Use the superscript and subscript format for all chemical formulas and footnotes (do not use raised or lowered font) in the text. Use PC WORD format throughout.
  2. Although there is no absolute page limit, contributions that do not exceed 45 pages total (cover page, abstract page, text, References, Tables, Figure Legends, Figures) are especially welcome. Please number every page of your paper consecutively.
  3. Please submit FROM THIS WEBSITE an electronic version of your manuscript. Receipt will be acknowledged.
  4. The cover page should show the title, the authors' names and their respective affiliations with complete mailing addresses. Give the e-mail address, phone number and fax number of the corresponding author
  5. Please keep the text as simple as possible. Please use only a single space between sentences and single tabs.
  6. Headings: Use no more than 3 subentry levels of headings.
  7. Equations: Please create equations within Word using the Equation Editor or within Word using Math type 5 for PC
  8. Tables and Figures: Please indicate where they should appear in the text by inserting

    [new section]

    on its own line after the paragraph where it is cited. (This tag should NOT be placed WITHIN the paragraph.) Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially as they appear in the text.

    For example:

    [new section]

    Table 1 Solid HA photolysis products

    Humic AcidWavelength, nmFlux, lumensTime, s% Decomp.Productsb
    HBA  300.06B

    [11 pt] a All experiments were conducted at 298±2 K except where noted; b See text for product identification and group labels.

    [new section]

    Figure Legends

    Figure 1 Wavelength dependence of the quantum yield in experiments 1, 3, and 5

    Figure 2 Product yields at different temperatures: (•) 263 K; (•) 298 K; (•) 328K

    Figure 3...

    [new page for each Figure, clearly marked with the Figure number.]

    Each panel of figure should be on its own page. Even if the figure contains 5 panels (a, b, c, d, & e), each of those should be on its own page.

    Panel size should be approximately half (1/2) of a page.

    Special note: Please follow the instruction below carefully.

    Figures Considerations:

    Please choose judiciously the Figures you wish to include in your paper. Select Figure images that will enhance the understanding of the material you are illustrating. Keep Figures simple and avoid complicated shading and hatching.

    Digital Figures Requirement

    Electronic figure files are to be submitted as a separate section. Please follow all of the guidelines listed below:


    • We can use only .TIFF or .EPS files (in PC format).
    • Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator is preferred.

    Most software allows you to take your art application file and "SAVE AS" a TIFF or EPS file.


    Anything less than 600 dpi cannot be accepted.

    Please contact with any questions about Figure formats and/or other technical details.

  9. References: Please number references sequentially as they appear in the text. Place the [Reference Number] within square brackets, for example:
    "...It was found [22] that ..."

    At the end of the manuscript text, under the heading "REFERENCES" list the citations in the order they appear in the text.

    For Journal References, the reference citation order is as follows:

    • Author's Last Name, Author's Initials (without periods or space), Coauthor(s)'s name(s) (in same style/order). Title of the article (without capitalization). Publication/Journal Abbreviated Name (in initial capitalization and in italic), Year, Volume number: Page range.

    For a Book Reference:

    • Author(s) (same style/order as above). Title (without capitalization, in italic): subtitle (also in italic). City: Publisher, Year.

    For a Book Reference (a chapter in a multi-authored edited volume):

    • Chapter Author(s) (same style/order as above). Chapter title (without capitalization). In: Book Editor(s) (same style/order as above), eds., Book Title (title case in italic). City: Publisher, Year, page range.


    Page 1:

    Dennis K. Jenkinson,¹ John Smith² and Alice P. Dickerson²
    ¹Chemistry Department, Fayetteville University, Fayetteville, Arkansas 12345, USA
    ²Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, 54321 Firenze, Italy

    Page 2:

    The double spaced Abstract. Please limit the Abstract to 300 words or less. Please emphasize the most significant points from the Introduction, Results, Discussion and Conclusions sections of the paper in the Abstract.Keywords: 3-5 words from the manuscript.

    Page 3:

    Starts the text, in the following order and format:


      Photolysis of soil surfaces is an important environmental process [1-3]. The products of photolysis of humic substances (HSs) vary with their source [3,4] and the experimental conditions [4-8]. In a series of papers, Dearnley et al. [7-9] concluded that...

      [one line between paragraphs]
      [indent] Recent work has confirmed that transient radicals HS• and ions HS+ form under particular conditions [11,12]. Significantly, the quantum yields are...
      [one line between paragraphs]
      [indent] This paper describes... Our objective was to... the results show that... We conclude that... [2 lines between sections]

    2. MATERIALS AND METHODS [one line between subheadings]
      2.1. Materials
      Humic Acids.
      Solid humic acids were...
      Other Materials. Potassium iodide, nitric acid and sodium nitrate (Aldrich, Milwaukee, USA) were used as received. The...
      2.2. Methods
      Photolysis Apparatus. Photolysis experiments were conducted in the apparatus shown in Figure 1. The...
    3. RESULTS
      3.1. Photolysis Products
      The identified products of the experiments under different conditions are collected in Table 1 and illustrated in Figures 2-4. The general trends in the data are as follows... Figure 2 illustrates the marked dependence of the percentage HA decomposition on temperature...
      4.1. Photolysis Products
      The products of previous studies of solid HA photolysis with visible (>400 nm) radiation include...[4-12] Photolysis with UV radiation has several important effects:...
      4.2. Quantum Yields
      Our work adds to current information on solid state HA photolysis in two important respects: 1) product distributions; and 2) the quantum yield as a function of wavelength.
      1. Coplan, BV, Mayo GJ. Photolysis of solid soils – An overview. Radiation News, 1997, 12: 563-574.
      2. Solboda J. The musical mind: The congnitive psychology of music. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
      3. Sargent TW, Stranger PG. Humic acid photolysis products at low temperatures. In: Brown G, Green F eds. Response of Soils to Solar Radiation. New York: Taylor & Francis, 1999: Volume 2, 1324-1332.

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